This Indian removal treaty transcribed below was signed on February 12, 1825, and ratified by the Senate on March 7, 1825. It was signed by a minority group of Creek Indians, led by William McIntosh and was widely disputed as invalid by the Creeks. The Creek chiefs protested intensely and sent a delegation to […]
When the U.S. officially entered World War II, the need for food for the troops increased everywhere. The Federal Farmers Security Administration (FSA) stepped in to work with local farmers to provide needed food. Once the produce and additional food were grown and raised, the federal "Food for Defense" department bought the products such as […]
(Abstracts Transcribed from The Covington Times, Andalusia, Alabama, July 13, 1889) LOCAL NEWS Rev. Mr. Holley was in town last week Rev. Mr. Jordan of Highland Home, is conducting a series of meetings at this place. Postmaster Prestwood’s brag patches of corn are fine. So much for proper cultivation. Mr. James Stephens has purchased the […]
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