Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Tgr Episode - The Year End "Best Of" Show

Well, I'm testing some stuff out, trying desperately to get Twisted Gamer Radio back on the podcasting airwaves. It's been a long ass time, and don't know if I'm truly ready to get back behind the mic.

Don't worry, it's much easier this time around. I've already got all of the equipment. I've got web-hosting duties locked up for pretty cheap. I just need to figure this whole RSS/Blogger integration/iTunes bullshit out.  Here's hoping this all works.

I'll be running some tests over the coming days to make sure things are running smoothly. For now though, I'll start you off with one of my favorite episodes we ever did, just showcasing how stupid, retarded, and weird we are behind a few microphones.

Twisted Gamer Radio - The Year End "Best Of" Show

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